Hompage Announcement Video/Image

Change to Video

  1. Add "_Homepage Video" asset to the "Announcement Section"
  2. In the snippet xsl file, uncomment the .play_btn div (around line 991) in the transformation for table[contains(@class, 'ou-ksu-home-transmission')]

    If not using the button, comment that out as well. If using the button, make sure to change the click event name in "/_resources/js/asset_scripts/homepage_button_click.js"

    Make sure the img in the 'transmission_img' div has "vid_icon" class
  3. Change the click event name in "/_resources/js/asset_scripts/homepage_video.js"
  4. Publish homepage

Change to Image

  1. Remove "_Homepage Video" asset from the "Annoucement Section"
  2. In the snippet xsl file, comment out the .play_btn div (around line 991) in the transformation for table[contains(@class, 'ou-ksu-home-transmission')]

    If using the button, uncomment that out as well

    Make sure the img in the 'transmission_img' div DOES NOT have "vid_icon" class
  3. Change the click event name in "/_resources/js/asset_scripts/homepage_button_click.js"
  4. Publish homepage