
Each official KSU Web page is designed, developed, and/or managed within a set template in Modern Campus Omni CMS. This template is necessary to maintain the uniformity, branding standards, and professionalism of KSU’s Web presence.

All editable regions within the template are in green boxes in OmniUpdate OU Campus (see examples below).

Edit Buttons

With the exception of the program, department, or school name underneath the KSU logo, no elements of the template’s header or footer are customizable. Note: Do not use ampersand (&) to join elements in program, department, or school name; use “and” instead.

Each page is comprised of a header and footer with specific fixed elements. The elements adjust according to the platform on which the Web page is viewed (i.e. desktop, tablet, mobile device). As the screen space becomes limited, certain elements in the header and footer are condensed or eliminated altogether. The images below represent the different platform views and are followed by a description of elements:

Desktop Header

Desktop Header

The official KSU logo is on the left side of the header. Underneath this logo, the program, department, or school name is displayed; this is the only editable element in the header. A KSU search box is on the right side of the header. In between the logo and the search box are global navigational links to the following sites: Apply, Visit, Give, Calendar, About KSU, Academics, Admissions, Student Life, Research, Alumni, and Athletics.

Desktop Footer

Desktop Footer

University contact information for both the Kennesaw Campus and the Marietta Campus are on the far left side of the footer. This contact information is followed from left to right by two lists of hyperlinks: Resources For and Related Links. At the bottom of the footer, again from left to right, are links to the Privacy Statement, Accreditation, Advisories, Reporting Hotline, Feedback, Open Records, Human Trafficking Notice, and Text Only; copyright information; and icons for the University’s social media applications.

Tablet Header

Tablet Header

The KSU logo and program, department, or school name remain, as do the global navigational links to Apply, Visit, Give, Calendar, About KSU, Academics, Admissions, Student Life, Research, Alumni, and Athletics. Underneath these elements, from left to right, are a search icon, mobile icon, and page menu icon. 

Tablet Footer

Tablet Footer

The condensed footer includes the number for KSU Info, icons for the University’s social media applications, and links to the Privacy Statement, Accreditation, Advisories, Reporting Hotline, Feedback, Open Records, and Human Trafficking Notice, and Text Only. Copyright information is also present.

Mobile Header

Mobile Header

The University logo is centered at the top of the page, with the program, department, or school name immediately underneath. From left to right are the search icon, and page menu icon.

Mobile Footer

Mobile Footer

KSU Info contact information is retained. Icons for the University’s social media applications and links to the Privacy Statement, Accreditation, Advisories, Reporting Hotline, Feedback, Open Records, Human Trafficking Notice, and Text Only remain. Copyright information is also present.
