How do I unlock a CACS door (wall-mounted reader)?
- Look to see that the status LED light on top of the card reader is green.
- Hold your TigerCard up to the card reader.
- Listen for the beep.
- The light on the card reader will flash green and red.
- Open the door.
How do I unlock a CACS door with a PIN pad (wall-mounted reader)?
- Look to see that the status LED light on top of the card reader is green.
- Hold your TigerCard up to the card reader.
- Listen for the beep.
- Enter your PIN number
- The light on the card reader will flash green and red.
- Open the door.
How do I unlock a Salto door (door-mounted reader)?
- Hold your TigerCard up to the card reader.
- The light will turn green and the door will unlock
- Open the door.
How do I unlock a Salto door with a PIN pad (door-mounted reader)?
- Hold your TigerCard up to the card reader.
- When the light flashes red green, enter your PIN number
- the light will be green and the door will unlock
- Open the door.