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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lobortis semper leo, quis mollis magna tempor eu. Suspendisse mattis vitae augue ut ultrices. Mauris feugiat, dui eget rutrum porta, lorem metus fermentum risus, non tincidunt risus nunc ut lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed porttitor id elit a sodales. Etiam nisl ante, euismod vitae neque sed, venenatis posuere nisi. Sed commodo consectetur volutpat. Nam vel tortor vitae nunc varius maximus. Cras sit amet velit id arcu condimentum tincidunt. In et urna eu diam commodo consequat sed malesuada ligula. Suspendisse a tortor vel odio iaculis auctor. Fusce nisl velit, auctor at tellus quis, scelerisque cursus velit. Mauris volutpat dignissim erat, ac dictum nisi.

"My professors really helped me become an outstanding educator and helped me get a job that forever elevated my career."

B.A Software Engineering '22



GMAT Preparation
We highly recommend some format of test preparation before taking the GMAT.

Online class offered through KSU’s College of Continuing Education.
The Official Guide for GMAT Review, 2021 Edition - Amazon
Official GMAT Registration and Additional Preparation Resources
Official test registration as well as free practice tests can be found at the GMAT website: www.MBA.com.

Additional outside practice resources may be found here:

KSU’s College of Continuing Education also features GMAT study course options, which may be found here.

Note that some applicants may qualify for a GMAT alternative allowing them to be considered for admission to the programs without taking the test. To see the criteria for qualifying for an alternative, please click here. If you believe you qualify, you can request an alternative on the application in the GMAT section by checking the appropriate box. GMAT Prep.

For more information, please email email@kennesaw.edu.